Eco-driving: 8 Really Useful Tips

Eco-driving is another way of saying ‘energy-efficient driving’. It’s a way to drive in order to reduce fuel usage and CO2 emissions. By eco-driving, you’re also cutting the risk of accidents. From a business perspective, companies that adopt eco-driving will save fuel and maintenance costs. To start an eco-driving initiative requires thought, planning, and awareness. […]
Delivery Companies: 5 Good Reasons to Use a GPS Vehicle Tracking System

If you’re from a delivery company, you’re probably aware of what GPS vehicle tracking systems are. But do you know what the 5 best reasons are to have one? And why you should talk to an expert at TT Matics before you sign any contracts? The demand for delivery services has increased ever since the […]
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: 5 Good Reasons that TT-Matics and Quartix make a Winning Combination

5 good reasons to choose the dream-team of TT Matics and Quartix. Our competitive advantage is in the key areas of most concern to our customers. These are being a specialist supplier of business vehicle tracking solutions, being established with a large customer base, operating in a fair and transparent way with regard to fees, contracts and payments.
How Much Could you Really Save with Vehicle Tracking?

An independent report by Frost & Sullivan* indicates that vehicle tracking data can be used to: Reduce fuel consumption by up to 25% Decrease idling by up to 30% Reduce employee overtime by up to 15% Improve overall productivity by up to 15% Save with Vehicle Tracking Vehicle Tracking is not Just About Locating your […]
Four Key Benefits Vehicle Tracking Offers to Drivers

A lot has been written about the benefits of telematics for businesses and company owners, but vehicle tracking also offers valuable support to the people who drive a company’s trucks, vans or any other vehicles. Far from being a surveillance system implemented to punish employees, here are four ways that vehicle tracking can help drivers […]
The Business Benefits of a Tracking System

Here are some considerations to take into account when thinking about vehicle tracking for your vehicles. A vehicle tracking system can bring about unlimited benefits, just a selection of which are listed below: Quartix vehicle tracking, estimate a Mile Per Gallon improvement of at least 7% with a vehicle tracking system. External studies, such as […]
Product Demonstration Video

30-second Quartix Video
Legal Speed vs. Safe Speed